Not too long after we got married we realized that we had to start making time for each other. The week after we were married I got a promotion at work and moved into the department head position of Circulation and Brandon started school in August. As if me working 40+ hours before the promotion was hard imagine taking on a whole new set of skills and tasks, as well as trying to be a wife, keep the apartment clean, prepare every meal for my husband, etc. Then once Brandon started school he was busy from sun-up to sun-down.
With all this came the institution of "date night." I feel like we are one of "those" couples now, you know the couple that has to set aside time for each other on purpose not just because. But alas, that is what our lives have come to. So this means two things for the Birds..."date nights" and no children (except Buckwheat).
Most of our date nights consist of "where do you want to eat," "no, I don't want that," "okay your turn to choose," "no I don't want that, you choose," and so on until we agree on a place. Dinner is usually followed by Fro-Yo (B hates when I say that..he doesn't understand why I won't just say frozen yogurt). And that is our typical date night. Nothing fancy or extraordinary. Sometimes we even spice it up with a movie.
However, this week we got a little crazy...
As we are driving around Brandon keeps needling me on where we are going. I had already decided on Outback (strange, because I don't really even like it that well), but wasn't going to tell him that. I didn't want to give him an opportunity to say no. Mr. Gatti's happens to be right before Outback so I jokingly said we are going to Mr. Gatti's. He thought I was serious, so that's where we ended up - WE NEVER EAT THERE AND PROBABLY NEVER WILL AGAIN. The food is not as good as I remember it being when I was a kid, and it probably wasn't even good then.
We purchased 40 tokens and got 10 free which is 50 tokens for $10 which is $0.20/token..Sheesh. Brandon wanted to purchase more because he used all his tokens before me (we split them 25 and 25). I said no of course, not at $0.20/token. Now I know why my parents always said no. So we played the ridiculously lame games that we enjoyed every minute of, fed our tickets into the "ticket eater," and picked out prizes. Brandon had 126 tickets, I had 127. I didn't want to combine them because I wanted to pick out my own prizes.
Brandon feeding his tickets into the "ticket eater"
Our prizes..I went with a bunch of small things: finger puppet, two erasers, a pencil, a ball, and some sort of toy with suction cups all around it
Brandon went with baseball stuff..imagine that
I highly doubt we will ever have another Mr. Gatti's date night, but hey it was different than the norm.
Date night ended with Brandon working on homework and me cleaning and doing see we are "those" people. I'll leave you with the picture below which is the reason that Buckwheat is the only kid worth having...because he helps me with laundry. (sorry for the scary eyes)
I wonder what next Wednesday holds...
Hahahaha Brit I think this was my favorite post of yours so far! It made me laugh and also made me realize that Garrett and I aren't the only ones who are like "What do you want?", "No, I don't want that". We do that all of the time! Thankfully Garrett isn't nearly as picky as I am so I usually end up getting to choose. Unless it's Sonic, he hates Sonic. I also say Fro-yo sometimes, which Garrett thinks is dumb.