Thursday, February 16, 2012

Long time..No blog

Hello blog world, it has been awhile. I find our day to day life is so time consuming that it's hard to make any extra time to sit down and write about our wonderful life. Here's a recap of our lives since 11/26/2011 starting with the oldest to current.

1) Christmas - well lets just say our Christmas didn't go exactly as planned in 2011 (not that anything in our life goes exactly as planned as you will find out the more you read - which doesn't play into my ocd planned life). We spent Christmas eve with Zollie, Michelle, Kristen, and Fuji - ate yummy Mexican food prepared by my mother-in-law. Zollie and Michelle got me an entire flock of antique blue glass birds. Probably because I'm always eying their's every time I visit and they don't want me sneaking them into my bag one by one. HA! I gave Brandon a pair of Texas Rangers limited edition Oakleys and I got a sewing machine. Excited doesn't even begin to describe my feelings! We were supposed to spend Christmas Day with the Birds, but that didn't happen - and we have yet to have Christmas with the Birds
2) New Years Eve - lets just say it was an epic night spent with the future Mr. & Mrs. Jared Monday
3) Christmas - I know..again! This time with my family, the weekend after New Years. It was a weekend full of fun, laughs, great food, great gifts, and a lot of love. So blessed to have a wonderful family, brother, sister in law, and the sweetest nephew you will ever meet. I think the highlight of Christmas with my family was giving my mom a new bible with her name on it.

4) Day after "Christmas" - January 8 - I flew to Indiana for a week for work. I packed like I was going to Alaska and it was "unseasonably" warm there and snowing in San Angelo. How unlucky was that! However, I do love my job and enjoy getting to travel every now an then. Ohhh, and breakfast in Indiana is bacon.
5) Nothing else interesting happened in the month of January..
6) February 4th - we went snake hunting, climbed a hill that was at least 5 miles high - well not really, but it seemed that way. We only caught 3 snakes..end of story.
7) February 11th - I enjoyed another girls weekend with my mom
8) Valentines day - another one of those days that didn't go as planned. I had taken the day off assuming that since it was our Valentines day we could spend the entire day eating bon bons and making googly eyes at each other...well Brandon worked from 7 am - 6 pm..I spent most of the day shopping/sulking/running/more sulking. Took him till 8 that night to convince me to go to eat somewhere with him (looking back I realize how terrible that was). My valentines day outfit was perfect...camo capris, houseshoe looking shoes, and a miss me hoodie, no makeup and wet hair. We ended up at romantic. Hoping for a better 2013 Valentines. At the end of the day all that matters is that you have someone that loves you...I should not have been so pouty.

That brings us to current. The rest of our February is filled with Scarlett and Shane's wedding this weekend in Wimberley and a 5k next weekend in Ft. Worth. I've gotten back into running and have been at a routine for a month now. I'm a little proud of myself, and even though a 5k is nothing big, it is a start. I will be running with Brandon's mom..however, I will not be joining her on Sunday for the full marathon.

Thank you for taking the time to read my lengthy blog. Now, I can successfully start blogging more and not feel like I have left a huge chunk of time out. I never felt right about starting a random blog when I hadn't blogged for months - so now I can rest at night!

Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend..I vow to write a blog on Monday recapping our weekend events.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you caught us up! Sounds like y'all had a busy, but great, holiday season!
