Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Happy Baseball Day

Yesterday was Happy Meeting Day and today is Happy Baseball Day. 2 years ago today, April 10, 2012, Brandon and I went on our first actual "date-date." This is the day we actually claim as our anniversary because it was an awesome date, much better than the dinner date the previous night, and this just so happens to be my parent's anniversary as well.

Our first date was unforgettable. I woke up early and was equally as nervous as I had been the night before while getting ready. While I wasn't a huge Ranger's fan at the time let alone baseball, I wanted to impress Brandon with my ability to look cute while wearing Ranger's colors of course. My husband has been a fan of the Rangers practically his whole life - yes, even when they were terrible he still liked them. He is a walking encyclopedia of baseball knowledge, just ask him a random question sometime - you'd be amazed. So anyways, I digress, I ended up picking out a button up dark blue top with red and blue jewelry.

We went to breakfast in Godley at one of the best breakfast places ever - the City Cafe. Lydia by far has the best coffee I have ever had in my life. We then made our way to Arlington, got there early, found our seats, and soaked the sun in. On a side note, that was opening weekend, I bought tickets 3 days prior to the game at face value about 20 rows up, by the end of the season you couldn't find tickets on the 20th row and certainly not at face value. How quickly things change!


Watching Brandon was like watching a kid in a candy store - this first date definitely won him over and I stole his heart forever.

After the game, we went to visit Kristin, Brandon's sister. He got his first two Kanji symbols that day on his right arm "Love and God." He has since got his third "Wife" and someday he will get "Children"


For my last first date with anyone, it pretty much topped the charts on great dates!

Now you don't have to hear any of my other mushy posts until our actual anniversary on April 23.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Meeting Day

This month is a month of anniversaries for the Bird's (Brandon and I). April 9th, two years ago marks the first time Brandon and I saw each other since Brandon graduated from high school in 2004. That makes almost 6 years that we didn't see each other. I won't elaborate on our entire story of how we reconnected; the important part is that we did reconnect and we are living happily ever after. However, I will tell you in 3 parts about the "month of anniversaries."

April 9, 2010 fell on a Friday and was a day Brandon and I had been anticipating for quite some time. I was so nervous all day and couldn't wait till work was over - I'm sure that I probably left work early that day. I had more important things to be doing, like baking him cheesecake brownies like I had promised.


 Brandon had to drive from San Angelo, so I don't know exactly what time he was to arrive, but I knew the minutes were ticking way too slowly and way too fast all at the same time.

Finally, he called me and said he was at his hotel and settled in and that I could come and we would go to dinner. As soon as he opened the door, it was like seeing each other for the very first time ever. I had cheesecake brownies balancing in one hand and my other arm was giving him a hug. He brought some whiskey that I had never tried, Maker's Mark, so we had a glass of that (he knows the way to my heart), and listened to "Yours and Mine," a song by Kyle Park that he had wanted me to listen to. "Yours and Mine" also happens to be the song that Brandon sang to me at our wedding.

We ventured out to dinner after that. I wanted to take him to Babes...real romantic looking back on it but oh well. He says I did not act interested at all the entire time at dinner, but he has later learned that I just enjoy people watching more than anything.

That was our first real date, but I don't classify it as our true first date for a couple of reasons. Come back tomorrow and find out why :)

Friday, April 6, 2012

Wednesday Night, Date Night

I've only shared one date night so far with you all here, but we do have "date night" every Wednesday. This week's date night I think is so worthy to share with you. I really hadn't considered what we would do this Wednesday, but figured it would consist of the normal dinner and fro-yo. I had known for awhile that Titanic 3D was coming out that day, but with as busy as I was at work it had completely slipped my mind. Now, while most people probably aren't stoked about the re-release of Titanic, I was BEYOND EXCITED! When Titanic first came out I was only 11 and way too young to see the movie. So since then I have only been able to catch it on TV and have to deal with it being edited and commercials.

Wednesday about 1:00 my wonderful husband text and asked if I wanted to go...Well of course I wanted too! He went and picked up tickets and our 3D glasses for the 4:50 showing. I snuck out of work a bit early and we went and indulged with hot dogs and popcorn...which I don't even like hot dogs, but this one was good. Titanic 3D was awesome..I was one happy wife. Finally, at 8:05 we walk out of the movie theater and it just so happens that there is a Marble Slab right next door, so we traded fro-yo for the real thing. It was yummy!

I'll let the pictures do the rest.